Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nothing new but 3548 is on the senate schedule for this week

It appears that information from Saturday was not accurate, it does not look they have agreed to how they are going to fund this bill.

" Republicans are seeking a cost-benefit analysis by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, and the right to bring forward several amendments when the measure comes to the Senate floor.

These amendments are likely to include attempts to offer a way to pay for the unemployment measure so it doesn't continue an expiring tax on employers to pay for it.

But minority lawmakers are seeking votes on other measures that are unrelated to an extension of jobless benefits, such as strengthening a program in which employers use a government-run, Internet-based system to verify potential workers are legal U.S. residents."


On a positive note the extension bill(3548) is on the senate schedule for this week.

"The Senate convenes at 2:00 pm today to take a a bill affecting Medicare physician pay (S 1776). The tentative schedule for the remainder of the week includes a bill on Homeland Security spending (HR 2892); Defense authorization (HR 2647); and unemployment insurance (HR 3548)."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now all is clear, many thanks for the help in this question. How to me you to thank?